Monday, 25 May 2009

1271 avenue of the americas

The Love of Sunya


Anonymous said...

Η φύση ολόκληρη, λοιπόν, αφεαυτής, συνίσταται
Από δύο πράγματα: από σώματα και από το κενό
Στο οποίο τίθενται, και στο οποίο ποκιλότροπα κινούνται

xtina said...

xtina said...

Sunni is a broad term derived from sunnah (سنة [ˈsunna], plural سنن sunan [ˈsunæn]), which is an Arabic word that means "habit" or "usual practice".[2] The Muslim usage of this term refers to the sayings and living habits of Muhammad, the last prophet of Islam.

xtina said...

Athari, While there is no precise founder of this school of creed within Islam, Ahmad ibn Hanbal is often pointed to as an early champion of the Athari creed. The Athari methodology of textual interpretation is to avoid delving into extensive theological speculation. They believe in Allah and his characteristics in the fashion that they were mentioned in the Quran, the Sunnah and by the Sahabah. They do not attempt to further interpret the aforementioned texts by giving a literal meaning like the Ẓāhirīs nor through tahreef (distortion), ta‘weel (figurative interpretation), tamtheel (making a likeness), tashbeeh (resemblance), nor ta’teel (denial).