Sunday, 12 February 2012

X_crab canon

In classical music, a crab canon is a canon in which one line of the melody is reversed in time and pitch from the other. A large scale musical palindrome covering more than one movement is called "chiasic" referring to the cross shaped Greek letter "χ" (pronounced /ˈkaɪ/.) This is usually a form of reference to the crucifixion for example, the crucifixus section of the Bach B-minor Mass. The purpose of such palindromic balancing is to focus the listener on the central movement much like one would focus on the center of the cross in the crucifixion. Other examples are found in Bach's Cantata BWV 4, "Christ lag in Todesbanden", Handel's Messiah and the Fauré Requiem.[14]


katabran said...
ας κάνον ότι κάνον...

Πρωτοβουλία πολιτών Κεφαλονιάς said...

πολύ καλό

xtina said...

ευχαριστώ Κ!
ας κάνον αυτοί τα δικά τους
κι εμείς τα δικά μας
τζίτζικες 4ever!

xtina said...

γειά σου στέλιο
ευχαριστώ για την επίσκεψη
απολογούμαι για την συχνότητα των αναρτήσεων, έμπλεξα με την επικαιρότητα
και δεν μου πολυαρέσει ομολογώ
είναι μεγάλη παγίδα!
να είσαι καλά

xtina said...

In the enigmatic Canon 1 a 2 from J. S. Bach’s “Musical Offering” (1747) (also known as “crab canon” or “canon cancrizans”), the manuscript shows a single score, whose beginning joins with the end. This space is topologically equivalent to a bundle of the line segment over the circle, known as a Möbius strip. The simultaneous performance of the deeply related forward and backward paths gives appearance to two voices, whose symmetry determines a reversible evolution. A musical universe is built and then is “unplayed” back into silence.

in gyrum imus nocte et consumimur igni

(Bunuel, angel exterminador)
(Greco,funerales del conte orgaz)