Monday, 21 September 2009

The golden path/be an angel

internet as a living organism

"[Metadata is a set of] optional structured descriptions that are publicly available to explicitly assist in locating objects."


xtina said...

maybe there is more to affective labor than we thought

xtina said...

xtina said...

Bell's theorem
One possible way for a hidden variable system to break the limit imposed by Bell’s theorem, is to suppose that some non-local process or communication acts to increase the degree of correlation above the limits imposed by Bell’s theorem. To test this possibility, the analyzer angles are set at arbitrary angles before measuring the particles, even after the particles leave the source. In this case, this supposed non-local interaction or communication would have to occur instantaneously (i.e. faster than light) in order to reproduce the behavior observed in quantum systems. Note that this does not necessarily mean that QM itself involves non-local or instantaneous communication, it just means that hidden variable accounts of QM would require these, or similar, drastic elements to be viable.[wikipedia]

xtina said...

However there still remains the question of where x2 should be placed in relation to x1 and x3. The golden section search chooses the spacing between these points in such a way that these points have the same proportion of spacing as the subsequent triple x1,x2,x4 or x2,x4,x3. By maintaining the same proportion of spacing throughout the algorithm, we avoid a situation in which x2 is very close to x1 or x3, and guarantee that the interval width shrinks by the same constant proportion in each step.